.Africa Domain Expiration and Renewal Process.

When a .africa domain reaches its expiration date, it enters a series of stages that determine its renewal options and future availability. Understanding these stages is crucial for maintaining control over your domain.

  1. Pending Suspension Phase (5 Days):

    • Description: Immediately after the domain expires, it enters the Grace Period, which lasts 5 days.
    • Action: During this period, the domain owner can still renew the domain to maintain ownership. 
  2. Redemption Period (20 Days):

    • Description: If the domain is not renewed during the 5-day Grace Period, it moves into a 20-day Redemption Period.
    • Action: The domain can still be recovered during this time, but the process involves additional fees known as redemption fees. Renewal during this period restores the domain’s active status but at a higher cost.
  3. Deletion Queue:

    • Description: If the domain is not renewed during the Redemption Period, it is placed in a deletion queue by the registry.
    • Outcome: Once in the deletion queue, the domain is scheduled for deletion and will eventually be released back into the pool of available domains, making it open for new registration by anyone.
  • .Africa Domain Expiration and Redemption Process
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