.NG Domain Benifits, Price, And Registration

Before now, the .com domain names have been widely preferred by many internet users due to its popularity and the fact that it’s one of the first domain extensions to exist. However, today, the reverse is the case. Many people are beginning to understand that there are other domain extensions that’ll serve them better than the .com extension, depending on some critical factors. One of such domain extensions is the . NG domain extension.

What is .NG Domain?

The .ng domain is the domain extension for Nigeria. It is the country code top-level domain (cctld) for Nigeria as a country and is one of the most popular domain extensions in Africa. As of 2019, there were over 120,000 .NG domains registered.

.NG domains include and are not limited to .ng, .com.ng, .org.ng, .edu.ng, .gov.ng, .mobi.ng and many more. Each variation is used according to specific requirements, and some are open domains, while others are closed domains that can only be acquired with extra documentation or special permissions.

The Nigerian internet space is fast developing, so having a .NG domain for your business is the right decision to make if you wish to stay ahead of your competitors. It’ll make your visitors know that you’re a business operating in Nigeria, and they could trust and choose you.


Domain extension 



Most commercially used .ng extension and is open for everyone, which makes it possible for anyone to be able to register it. Perfect for anyone looking to do business or start a blog or website in Nigeria. 


The second most commonly used and the most popular Nigerian extension for its affordability. If you can’t purchase a .ng domain, then you should go for a .com.ng domain.


This is suitable for organizations and non-profits operating in Nigeria.


This is used mostly by higher educational institutions in Nigeria. It can only be registered by accredited colleges, polytechnics, and universities in Nigeria. There are special requirements for registering .edu.ng domains.


This is used primarily by other educational institutions that are non-degree awarding institutions. If you own a school, this is the perfect domain extension for you. There are special requirements for registering .sch.ng domains.


This is a highly reserved domain extension reserved for government bodies in Nigeria. You need supporting documents to register domains under this extension.

Why Register .NG Domain Names?

If you’re a business or organization with Nigeria as your sole target market, then we recommend you register a .ng domain name. Even if you have a global website and do not intend to design a customized website for your Nigerian audience, you can redirect traffic from your .ng domain to the global website. Doing business with a .ng domain shows you value your Nigerian customers.

When it comes to local results, Google gives a high preference to country level domains because the search engine believes they have the most relevant result. If you have a local business, having a .ng, .com.ng or any other .nd extension variance gives your website a competitive edge on Google Nigeria. Better ranking means increased traffic which consequently means more sales and revenue.

If you’re an internet enthusiast, you should know by now that short names are very easy to memorize and this is great for your business. The problem then is that almost all the short and good names in .com and other international top level domains are already taken. .NG extension gives you an opportunity to register many short and easily brandable names.

If you’re a Nigerian citizen, company or organization operating in Nigeria, it’s only typical to show your Nigerian identity online too. Other countries’ domain extensions like .uk, .au, .fr, .de etc are all popular because the website owners in the respective countries prefer their country’s domain extensions to the international TLDs. 

When we work together, we can achieve this popularity for our country too. With the .ng being popular, we can push for Nigerian websites to be hosted in Nigeria. This will enable us develop more intern exchanges and keep Nigerian Internet traffic local. 

How to Buy/Register .NG Domains?
Unlike what some people think, registering a .NG domain is an easy task that can be accomplished in 3 simple steps. Three steps in buying a .NG domain include;

Search for your desired .NG Domain Name
Enter the domain name that you wish to buy into the domain search box on our website and then click search. We’ll notify you whether the domain is available or not. If it’s available, you can proceed with registering the domain as yours. If your domain name is not available, we’ll show you our suggested alternatives, and you can also search for another .Ng domain.

Fill your Registrant Details
When you’ve selected your .ng domain name of interest, you’ll need to fill up your details to create your account in our database. The details you fill-up will be used in your Domain’s Registrant Information.

Pay for your domain Name
This is the final step where you review your order summary and make payment. Once you’ve paid, your domain name will be instantly activated.

Another reason why you should have a domain name for your business is to protect the copyright or trademark, increase brand awareness and position your brand in the search engine result page.

A domain starts with a target keyword known as sld and ends with an extension known as tld.

An example will “keroncakes.com” where keroncakes is the sld and tld is .com other examples of tlds include .ng, com.ng .Africa. Now that you know why you should get a domain name, you can buy your .ng .com .AFRICA domains at cheap and affordable prices at. see below prices of all our domains.

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